12 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

Hope Coming From The Frog 19/09/2010

A news telling about our brothers and sisters collecting frogs to make money was published in the previous days in our web page, www.cingeneyiz.org. They have an association, Association of Frog Breeders.When the pond they collect frogs from have been drained, a new pond were builded close to Edirne Eskikadın Village with in collaboration with the association. Our brothers and sisters are hopefull. They believe that they will be able to collect approximately 100 ton frogs. They have already started preparings to export frogs to the countries just live France and Georgia where demand for frogs is higher.


It's not possible not to appreciate sedulity of the association about this issue. The president of the association, Metin Örs, and the other administrators of the association should be proud of themselves. We could easily say that the work they do is really important. On the top of it, This is not only important for Turkish Gypsy communities. This is also an useful example showing alternate ways of employment for World Gypsies .

We have emphasized here for many times: Though unemployment is around %10 across the country, among Gypsy this rate raise to %50. This terrible situation is arised from some historical reasons. It would logical to review these historical reasons to understand the issue profoundly and to understand the importance of the job done by the association. ,

Before industrialisation period, most of Gadjo societies were working as settled agriculturalist or nomadic herd breeders, herders. Population working on these sectors have decreased with being widespread of industry. People pulled out of agriculture and herding and came to cities leaved some of their relatives back in their villages. Their relatives still working as agriculturalist send them some agricultural products for diffucult times and this give them a chance to save money. Gadjo societies settled to cities also selled some of their animal herds and their farms to use as cash capital to entegrate city life. Many individuals from these gadjo societies established their small companies.

We, Gypsies were living with a commercial nomadic way. We were peripatetics. We were giving some craft products and providing some services to Gadjo societies working as settled agriculturalist and nomadic herders in exchange for some foods. The main difference of our ancestors from the others was that they have no capital except their knowledge on their crafts. They have generally no animal herds or big farms. Their traditional jobs got lost with being widespread of industry. So our ancestors started to look for new ways of subsistence.


Our ancestors poverty was as deep as not to let them to save any money. On the other hand, prejudices targeting Gypsies generaly don't let them to be employed in the formal economy. This makes unemployment rate higher amoung Gypsies than across the country. Our ancestors still found some new ways to make money with the of creative intelligence. Frog collecting is one these interesting jobs our ancestors designed.

Frog collectings is not one of the traditional Gypsy jobs. We understand that our people who had lost their traditional jobs after industrialization in Edirne chosed this way to keep alive themselves. What a nice chosing! At the end, this job let more than 2000 people to eat their fill. Before they were collecting frogs from the pond close the Village Değirmendere. However this pond got drained. The association appeared at this point to build a new pond and let people to continue to work on their jobs.


Here is a model association. Here is a model practice. Privileged mission of Gypsy association should be create new ways of subsistence for our brothers and sister have lost their tradional jobs after industrialization. Yes, poverty and prejudices stop us to work on many sectors with Gadjo. But we are not bound hand and foot. Our brothers and sister make a living with frog collecting and their hardwrorking association should be models for us. Unemployment being accepted as a huge problem could be hanged in some measures with creative and cheap solutions just like the one frog collercters found. With that way we could save our young generations from crime organizations. We need only resolution and intention... That's enough.

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