We evaluated how the peripatetic way of subsistence, which is the common trait of ethnicities Gypsy Universal Nation composed from, existed last week. We exemplify that natural human beings were unable to subsist with hunting and gathering anymore on the account of the fact that invaders seized their natural resources in the places paradisical where they lived in. There was only one possibility to survive under these circumstances: To provide some services and to product some crafts for settled agriculturalist and nomadic herders in exchange of food. In the end, our ancestors adapted Gypsy Way of Subsistence involuntary. On the contrary, they were forced to be peripatetics by hard circumstances. This forcing is the main reason of pains, poverty and deprivals we face from past to present.
People who were forced to adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence were not only natural human beings. There were also some Gadje ethnicities, who were settled agriculturalist and nomadic herders before, joined to Gypsy Universal Nation adapting Gypsy Way of Subsistence after losing their lands and animal stocks by force of big disasters or wars.
Land and herd owning is not only important for subsisting. Land and herd owning is also a sign of social status in many Gadje society. Individuals of each Gadje society with more lands and herds are more esteemed and stronger ones of their society. Gadje societies with more lands and herds are stronger than the other societies within the context of relationships between societies. On the contrary, gadje societies with less lands and hers are less esteemed than the others.
Gadje societies try to save their herds and lands in force as they know resources of power and prestige are herds and lands. They never abstain shed blood or to fight in accordance with purpose. However it's possible that some Gadje societies could lose their hers or lands in wars or disasters.
Gadje societies losing their lands and herd have only two choice. They could be dominated by the societies they were defeated. They will be shepherd of prevailing societies' herds or they will plow the lands of prevailing societies. The second choice is to join Gypsy Universal Nation adapting Gypsy Way of Subsistence. Even being shepherd of herds of prevailing society is humiliating, it's harder to adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence for a Gadje society.
It's not easy to find historical documents about Gadje societies adapting Gypsy Way of Subsistence. Because, chronicles , which is written generally by historians of prevailings, is not interested in tragedy of losers. However we could see traces of Gadje societies joining Gypsy Universal Nation in oral history and legends being inherited form generation to generation. We will give only few examples here not to beat a dead horse.
It's believed that some of Gypsy groups named as Mıtrip in the south eastern side of Turkey are old Gadjes who lost their lands and herds. However, they adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence either joining to other Gypsy groups of the region (Dom, Gewende) or composing their own independent groups after losing their resources for agriculture and herding.
Existence of a mass group of villagers deterritorialized at 15th and 16th centuries is a general information. Many of settled in cities and started to be workers in industry. However a few of them preferred to adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence either joining indigineous Gypsy groups or composing their own independent groups according to some anthropologists. Although we don't know all details of this process, we could accept the period as one of the excellent examples of Gadje societies to join Gypsy Universal Nation.
Gadje groups have big prejudices against Waata Gypsies in south Ethiopia.This is the reason why mixed marriages between Waata Gypsies and Gadje groups rare. However mixed marriages between Waata Gypsies and Sakute camel herder Gadjes started to be seen very often after Sakute Gadjes losed most of their animals in Shifta War at 1960. In one sense, Sakute Gadjes have lost their bridges with Gadjo Universal Nation after losing their animals and the process to join Gypsy Universal Nation have started.
Ethnicities composing Gypsy Universal Nation come from different social origins. On the one hand, there are natural human beings who adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence after losing their natural resourses for hunting and gathering after gadje invations. On the other hand, there are gadje societies who lose their lands and herds and start to adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence.
Anyway, societies joining to Gypsy Universal Nation adapted to Gypsy Way of Subsistence without their own will. Hunger, poverty and fall into comtempt are not our own choice. Nevertheless, there are some theories blaming us for the problems we face. We don't believe people ,who blame us to prefer this destiny even we are the historical victims of their ancestors' invation to the nature and humanity, are friendly. They are trying to make our pains bigger.
I know the question you have at the moment. It's possible Gypsies were forced to adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence. But why they didn't try to make agriculture and herding and produce their own food for thousands of years? Why they insist on begging for a piece of bread to Gadje? What is the reason of the situation? Our ancestors were too lazy or not brave enoughto push the limits?
We will try to answer all these questions next week. We request our readers to be more patient. When this article series finished, you will have answers of many more questions beside "Why aren't Gypsies assimilated?".
Have a nice week.
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