The article named "The Root of Hate" written by Michael J. Jordan is inspritional on several counts. The author researches the sources of racist terror targeting Gypsies in Hungaria. He speaks to historical dimensions of the issue in detail. He also introduce the influence of social problems arising from quick liberalisation of former eastern bloc countries to rising of racist terror. Hungarians, who found themselves in fight for bread after the collapse of eastern bloc, started to look for a scape goat. Unfortunately, Gypsies became target in this process with provacation of racist Jobbik Party.
The author evaluates the rising of racist terror in the case of Hungary. His analysis are also valid for many other Balkan countries. Racist groups blame Gypsies for social crisis in Balkan countries. So racist militants start to burn our houses and kill our people. They accept even toddlers as a target for themselves. We don't forget our sister Natalka. She was burned by Czech racists. Her surviving was a real miracle. She was only 2 years old at the time of the incident.
Jordan focuses on rather non-Gypsy peoples of Balkans in his article. We can clearly understand how non-Gypsy people are convinced by racists to regard our people as an enemy from his article. There is also the other side of the medallion: Balkan Gypsies. We have to know circumstances that Balkan Gypsies live under to understand the issue better. There are different Gypsy groups in Balkans. Rudaris, Roma, Jevgs and Ashkalis are the ones we have much information about. It's helpful to speak to each of them briefly.
Rudari Gypsies: Rudaris live in various Balkan countries. There are also some Rudari sub-groups. They have different traditional occupations. Spoon-making and bear training are important traditional jobs of Rudari people. They are also famous with utensils they made using wood. Rudari language is related with Romanian language. The language, which is not used by any other group else Rudaris in our day, is accepted as an old dialect of Rumenian by some scholars.
Roma Gypsies: Roma are one of the most crowded Gypsy groups. They have a language named Romanes. Roma culture could be accepted as a syntheses of Indian, Persian, Anatolian, Grecian and European cultures. Basket-making, sieve-making, blacksmithing, tinsmithing and musicianship are some of tradional occupations of Roma people.
Jevg Gypsies: Blacksmithing, brick making, pottery making, reed making and coal mining are traditional occupations of Jevg Gypsies. Jevgs accept themselves as Egyptians and emphasize that their ancestors came from Egypt hundreds of years ago to Balkans. There are also some researches claiming Jevgs to come Balkans in 5th century BC from Egypt.
Ashkali Gypsies: Ashkalis are one of the Gypsy groups living in various Balkan countries. They claim to have a Persian origin and their ancestors to come Balkans from Ancient Persia. Ashkali Gypsies' main subsistence way was blacksmithing before being wide-spread of industry.
There are some other Gypsy groups in Balkans. However we don't have enough information about them. There are only few sources about existence of these Gypsy groups.
There are different ethnicities among Balkan Gypsies. These peoples who have different languages and different histories face similar kind of problems in everyday life. All these ethnicities who belong to Gypsy Universal Nation have started to lose their traditional occupation after industry. They were obliged to do unpreferable and unhealthy jobs with low income to subsist.
Former eastern bloc countries adapted quickly to liberal economy after 90s. Upheaval lived in this process influenced mostly Gypsies. Unemployment rates rised suddenly and many people started to live under extreme poverty circumstances. Ethnic conflicts caused many people to lose their house and to live under worse conditions.
Balkan Gypsies live in mahala type settlements in different regions of Balkans. Each Gypsy ethnicity have an important population in the entire Balkans. On the contrary, people with who Gypsies live together believe Gypsies to be a weak minority on account of the fact that Gypsies live in small settlements scattered all over Balkans.
We could see many examples of people to seek a scape goat to put responsibility of economic and social crisis to its shoulders in history. People direct their anger and their reaction to the weakest one at such times. Responsibility of victimization is put on the weakest ones' shoulders. Unfortunately, we are the weakest ones for average Balkans today. We are the ones who could easily be maden scape got, we are the ones who could be targeted and deterritorialized.
Balkan Gypsies like other Gypsies all over the world lost their only capital, craft specialization, as they lost their traditional occupations with becoming widespread of industry. These situation forced our people to live under extreme poverty conditions. On the other hand, non-Gypsy people we live together could easily made us scape goat on account of the fact that we live exremly scattered in the smallest settlements comparing to non-Gypsy ethnic groups.
Either extreme poverty and fragmentation give a chance to racist terrorists to provoke people suffered from economic crisis against us. They always have a reason for rationalization their provokation. They highlight our brothers and sister who are obliged to join crime organization by extreme poverty and unemployment and they blame all Gypsy people for rising crime rates using sterotypes. Then It's not easy to stop crowds provoked. Especially if they are not punished for their attacks... The word barbarousness will be insufficient to explain incidents possibly will happen.
Balkan Gypsies have to realize possible dangers. Racist terror is rising again after years of collapse of Nazi Empire. They firstly target our people. Our weak situation faciliates their job. So what to do? What is the solution? First of all, representative of Balkan Gypsies leave aside meaningless debate amony themselves. They have to give self-assertion. Solution ways have to be discussed in suitable basis for discussion with participation of wise men.
Jevgs, Roma, Ashkalis, Rudaris and the others have to give up acting superior to eachother. We should not never forget that racists never distinguish us as Jevgs, Roma, Ashkalis, Rudaris or the others while killing us. Regarless of where our ancestors came from and regardless of which language we speak they define as Gypsy and they are resolute to kill or make slaves all Gypsies. We are only sacrificials for them devoted to their cursed idol, swastika; hand tied and quietly waiting for death.
Before it's too late, we should take true steps. We have to hinder average people living in Balkans to be provokated against us by racists. Otherwise, there will be great pains to live again. Gypsy entellectuals will be responsible for all pains if they don't do their duties.
Have a nice week.
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