The issue of urban transformation have came to the fore for a long time all over the world. Right to make decisions about evictions in the context of urban transformation belogns to a few administrators. We could only explain our ideas and share our critics about urban tranformation process. On the other hand, some news we reveived these days are pointing at great social diseases arising from mistakes maden about urban transformation. Administrators have to do something before it is too lat about the situation.
We will try to evaluate both results of wrong examples of urban transformation and our suggestions for a reliable example of urban transformation in this article for administrators having the right to make decisions on the issue and people being influenced by urban transformation process.
There are too many projects designed with urban transformation perspective in last 15 years. We have also many examples of projects caused social problems because of the mistakes maden by administrators in the context of the projects.
Unfortunately, we are still influenced today by the results of the mistakes maden in past about urban transformation. Administrators, who planned and organized many evictions in the context of urban transformation to solve some social problems, are facing new social problems arised from the mistakes maden in the context of urban transformation today. Projects of urban transformation planned to solve some social problems in the past could cause bigger social problems today. We will view these problems item by item.
-The most incorrect ones of the enforcements planned in the context of urban transformation are the ones make people homeless. People lost their house. However admistrators didn't offer them any other places to live in. Even worse those people lost their house without being offered any other places to live in were the poorest citizens generally. They were started to live in tents.
Though their tents were also demolished temporally by municipality officers (in some examples, tents and furnitures were burned), they returned to the places they were evicted from and pitched their tents again. Because there were nowhere else to go and to live in... However some people started to have a mobilized life, a kind of new nomadism with their tents. Most of the children borned under these circumstances don't have any idenfication cards. Families generally don't have any certificate of residence requested for many official procedures. They have problems to register their children to school and to benefit from social welfares because of having no certificate of residence.
-In some examples of urban transformation, people were sent to the places where the people could not go on their jobs in and too away from city centers.. This was an other mistake maden by administrators. Our brothers and sisters, who have to live in city centers in the consequence of their jobs (just like musicians), turned to their older neighbourhoods. Some of them rented houses around their older settlements. Some of them pitched tents or builded scrapyy shacks on the areas where their older houses were on before demolitions.
-An other mistake maden in the context of urban transformation is to prepare payment schedules for the new houses without making any researches about incomes of the people being influenced by the projects of urban transformation. Many people accepted these payment schedules with excitement of having a new house. And they also trusted administrators to tolerate them if they have any difficulty to pay taxex. However, days for discharging in the possibility of being unable to pay taxex was determined in the agreements. There are some problems in this topic today even in the examples of the projects of urban transformation being accepted before as the most succesfull ones. Taxex are cheap for many people. However people living under the poverty line are unable to pay. So those people are in the danger of being homeless at the end.
-Incorrect projects of urban transformations, which make people homeless, cause a great danger for all cities. A new generation is growing in tents. They borned in tents. They are growing under unacceptable poverty circumstances in 21th century. They have almost no chance to get educated. We are afraid of them to be instrumentalized by crime organizations. All incorrect projects of urban transformation raise the number of this people.
How could a reliable urban transformation be done? First of all, administrators having the right to make decisions in the issue have to ask sociologists to make field researches in neighbourhoods before preparing projects of urban transformation.
Sociologist should research about
-Correct population of the people will be influenced by urban transformation,
-Incomes and jobs of the people.
-Cultures and traditions of people.
-How do people evaluate the issue of urban transformation.
Sociologist have to write detailed reports including the informations we counted above. Than, a project of urban transformation should be prepared with addings of a team existing from lawyers, residents of neighbourhood will be transformed, architects and municipality officers.
Project have to assure the topics below.
-Everybody have to have a place to live in the end of project. We have never forget the fact that anyone who becomes homeless with urban transformation will be instrumentalized by crime organizations.
-If administrators demand any payment from residence for their new house, incomes of the residence have to be evaluated for determining payment schedules. Taxex, which could be cheap and acceptable for mainstream of society, could be impossible to pay for people living under the poverty line. Administrators have to bear in mind jobs of the residence before chosing new places people will be sent.
-Administrators have to bear in mind cultures of people will be influenced by urban transformation before preparing of projects. Peoples like Roma, Doms, Loms, Mıtrips, Geygels, Abdals, Yeniche, Rudari and the others having a peripatetic ancestry have a disrict culture. We have always lived together in our neighbourhoods for thousands of years. Separating of Gypsy neighbourhoods and forcing our people to live together with other citizens with different origins and different cultures could create a social conflict among the other citizens and us. It's too important organizing sociological researhes before making any decision about this issue.
Administrators having right to make decisions on this issue should have a long-termed perspective on urban transformation issue. Projects solving some social problem in short term but creating some other social problems in long term are really dangerous for social healthy. We, as Gypsy society, have always been positive about urban transformation which give people a chance to live in better housing conditions. But we are always against projects of urban transformation which make people homeless.
Have a nice week.
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