The urban transformation is not just on the agenda of us, but also the rest of the whole world. Much information about destructions from different regions has been receiving, as people struggling against these destructions. The justifications of the defenders and the challengers regarding the urban transformation are almost same everywhere. The defenders are talking about the beautification of the cities and building healthful houses while the challengers are worrying about losing the houses -only places they have in order to live.
The settlements of Gypsies are strongly affected by the process of urban transformation. Sulukule, Küçükbakkalköy, Hacıhüsrev, Çinçin and Kamberler are the places where the destruction has begun. And most of the settlements are in line. Since this is the way it is, we must say something about this subject, too.
First of all, it is not correct to entirely challenge to urban transformation. Of course, all people have to live in healthful houses. Of course, we should beautify the cities. There is no problem corresponding to these ideas. As a matter of fact, our people do not want to live in the tent turned tin houses. It is not our people’s choice to suffer from this kind of poverty. The thing covering the houses with tin is hopelessness.
Gypsies will look on the realistic projects with favor which enable to house them in healthy settlements. On the other hand, it cannot be expected to be accepted by the residents of the settlements if it is aimed to rout the people under the topic of urban transformation out of their house who have been living in the same region for thousands of years. If it is aimed to transform the city, it has to be done with the people who are living in. It will be meaningless to transform the city after ejecting the oldest residents of it.
The occupations of residents have to be always considered in the transformation projects. For example, many Gypsies are junk-dealers and their houses are their depots at the same time. These people cannot carry on their jobs, if they are settled in the apartments instead of detached houses. A project which treats a settlement consists of detached houses can be prepared in this kind of cases.
The urban transformation can be evolved to a positive process if it is made in good intentions. The result will be really good, if the intention is the urban transformation. I do not want to think about it, but it will be not good, if the intention is to throw off the Gypsies specifically and the poor generally and eject them out of the city. These kinds of approaches can bring economical advantages to some people in the short term but damage the social unity and cause to antagonism in the long term.
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