We are Gypsies. Gypsy is the name of a universal caste. Humanity was branched two caste thousands of years ago. On the one hand Gypsy peoples belong to Gypsy Universal Nation. On the other hand, non-Gypsy peoples belong to Non-Gypsy Universal Nation. The main difference between Gypsy peoples and non-Gypsy peoples is that Gypsy peoples survived with Gypsy Ways of Subsistence for thousands of years. Gypsy peoples prepared some crafts (basket-making, sieve-making, musicianship, blacksmithing ext ) and served some services (dentistry, healing, folk medicine, animal training ext )to non-Gypsy peoples in exchange of food before spreading of industrialization. Common name of this activities maden to survive is Gypsy Ways of Subsistence.
4 injustices Gypsy peoples face throughout history created universal caste system which imprison Gypsies to live under hard circumstances with great pains. A deep foreignness between peoples belongs to Gypsy Universal Nation and non-Gypsy Universal Nation have been existed with influence of universal caste system. The basic reasons of problems we face today are the foreignness which have been existed historically and prejudices targeting Gypsies related with the foreignness. Non-Gypsies don't want to live, work, marry with Gypsies with influence of the prejudices. Gypsies are obligated to live away from other parts of the society just as they are imprisoned behind an invisible wall maden by prejudices.
Universal caste system which divides humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies have been created by 4 injustices Gypsy peoples face which we will explain below.
1-Warrior non-Gypsy tribes captured natural sources of hunter-gathering peoples and other people subsisting on agriculture and stockbreeding using violence. These peoples who lose their lands, animal stocks and forests joined to Gypsy Universal Nation. The only way for them to survive was Gypsy Ways of Subsistence.
2-Peoples belong to GypsyUniversal Nation have always tried to make agriculture and stockbreeding whenever its possible. However, their forces to find alternative subsistence ways were generally hindered by non-Gypsies. In some places, non-Gypsy peoples monopolized agricultural lands and domesticable animals. In some other places, Gypsy peoples were forbidden to have agricultural lands and domesticable animals with written or customary laws strengthened with enforcements.
3-Gypsy peoples were forced to live away from non-Gypsy peoples for thousands of years. Gypsy peoples have been evicted from their houses and forced to live in other places when Gypsy settlements which found away from central areas of non-Gypsy settlements turned to be central places with growing of cities.
4-Gypsy occupations started to be functionless with industrialization. Gypsy peoples who gave up nomadism and settled to cities, towns and villages started a new life without any capital. Prejudices, the foreignness and lack of capital forced Gypsies to subsist on new jobs which are unpreferable by non-Gypsies, unhealthy and with lover incomes. Whenever an occupation maden by Gpsies starts be profitable, non-Gypsies hinder Gypsies to subsist on the job using various ways.
Individuals of non-Gypsy peoples have strong prejudices about Gypsies. Most of these people believe that we are cursed. This is why they prefer to have limited relations with individuals of Gypsy peoples as less as possible. Being Gypsy is a kind of infectious disease in the eyes of them.
Our children suffer from prejudices in schools and our adults suffer from prejudices in every places they are together with non-Gypsies. Most of Gypsy children see humiliating eyes of non-Gypsy children and even some teacher. It's also common that Gypsy children are discriminated and humiliated openly by teachers with a racist mentality. This is why most of our children have cold feelings about school and unaccesible to have a healthy education.
When Gypsies apply to companies or public foundations, their identity becomes a barrier against them. It could only be a coincidence for an individual, who could be recognized as a Gypsy from its external view, dialect or neighbourhood he/she lives in, to be accepted a job although he /she has required qualifications. And Gypsies who have the chance to be accepted a regular job have problems with other workers and administrators because of prejudices they have about Gypsies.
Non-Gypsies want to minimize any kind of relations with Gypsies because of the prejudices they have about Gypsies. Gypsy settlements are being builded in noncentral areas same as before. This situation strengthens foreignness between Gypsies and non-Gypsies. Non-Gypsy families generally refuse their children to maryy with Gypsy individuals. Because of this many young people are opressed by their families. Marriages between Gypsies and non-Gypsies is still a coincidence today.
Members of Gypsy ethnicities are unable to benefit from opportunities in their education and career which members of non-Gypsy ethnicities benefit from because of limitations sourced from prejudices related with Gypsy identity. Reason of rarity of accessibility of Gypsies to education and being above average of unemployment rate among Gypsies is that prejudices sourced from foreignnes between Gypsies and non-Gypsies hinder Gypsies under almost all circumstances just as a wall. Gypsy peoples constitute the most poor sections of societies they live in under these circumstances. Gypsies who have been able to break cycle of poverty and have a chance to change their life conditios are still a small minority today.
We, member of Gypsy Universal Nation, are the greatest victims of human history. Humanity branced 2 universal caste with being obligated to survive with Gypsy Ways of Subsistence of the peoples whose natural resources captured by violence. There is an invisible wall maden by prejudices around members of Gypsy Universal Nation and this wall cause continuity of universal caste system. The only way for Gypsies to create a better life for next generations is to overcome the wall which imprison us starvation, poverty and incurability. Overcoming of the wall is only possible with self forces of Gypsies. When bricks of the wall maden by prejudices are bestired by the force of Gypsies, the foreignness dividing humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies will turn to fellowship.
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