Question 4: "Were Gypsy people obstructed to settle in central parts of city and urban areas in various historical periods? Did Gypsy groups who can't settle in central areas have to move to desolate, unpreferable areas? Were gypsies send far away from the city after these areas becoming improved and city center getting bigger?"
Hundreds of groundless legend have been fabricated about our ancestors. One of these groundless legends is about our ancestors to be big on nomadism. According to the people who accepts this legend true, our ancestors refused to settle on account of the fact they like nomadism too much. These words are not true in any way, shape, or form. Gypsies adapted nomadism by necessity in various historical periods. Nomadism was never our ancestors' own choice.
There were two main reason for our ancestors to travel in the history. First of all, they leave their campgrounds or neighbourhoods for a period of each year pursuant to their subsistence way. They used to travel among settlements where their clients lived in and they used to turn to their winter quarters with the coming of winter. The second and the most important reason of nomadism of our ancestor is that they were hindered to settle continual in any places. They were generally forced to leave their settlements before they were able to put down roots.
Villages, towns and cities were not open to strangers completely in the periods industrialisation not existed yet. You could settle to urban and rural settlements with only a permission you gain from authorities of settlements for a while. For the case of our ancestors, settled people were more sitrict to hinder them to join their communities settling.
Altough settled people never hesitate over benefiting from work of crafts produced by our ancestors, they didn't allow our ancestors to pitch their tents more closer to their settlements than a determined distance. We could see some examples of Gypsy ethnicities to settle in history. However they were allowed to settle only in desolate and unpreferred places of urban and rural settlements. They tried to settle central parts of urban and rural settlements when they were more crowded to live in the limited places where they gained permission to live in from authorities. However they were sent back to these places or deported again by the authorities. Gypsies' settling to central parts of urban and rural settlements is an exceptional case which may be possible in special situations as they are forced to work in building of castles and establish neighbourhoods close to castles they build.
There have been a great transformation after industrialisation. Settlements, where had been suburban areas before industrialization, have returned to central parts with growing of cities. Than Gypsy settlements started to be demolished and evicted. People living there have been sent to new suburban areas. Although it was possible for Gypsy people to live in central places of cities as a result of natural evolution and have a chance for a better entegration, they have been forced to live in suburban areas again.
It is possible that some settlements in central parts of cities could be fall from favour in conjuction with various reasons. Than these places started be a suitable residential area for Gypsies. However this is also a temporary situation. There would be a urban transformation project soon and the settlement would come into value again. This means Gypsies have to go suburban areas again.
These policies implemented before and after industrialization make deep foreignness between Gypsies and non-Gypsies.
The issue of entegration or assimilation of ethnicities, which belong to Gypsy Universal Nation as social group or global caste, is an universal matter for discussion. Because there is almost no land where Gypsy ethnicities don't live in. The issue of entegration or assimilation of Gypsy ethnicities is maden a current issue in some way in every places where Gypsy live in.
Let's be frank. There are ones who support the idea to assimilate Gypsies all over the world. They want Gypsy ethnicities to lose their cultures, their traditions they have created in thousands of years under difficult circumstances. A world without Roma, Yeniche, Rudari, Abdals or Pavee would be a better world than today it is according to the ones who want to assimilate Gypsy ethnicities. On the other hand, there are one who support the idea to entegrate Gypsies. They want Gypsies to entegrate societies they live together without losing their ethnic cultures. However they are generally disappointed whenever they see difficulties proving them the mission of entegrations won't be easy.
Supporters of both approaches don't get to the root of the problem. It's meanless to blame "Gypsy Culture" for the problems without examining reasons creating foreignness between Gypsy and non-Gypsy. We tried to let non-Gypsy people to look at with the eye of us to the problem with these article series. We discussed the reasons of foreignness between Gypsy and non-Gypsy here. I believe that the approach we explained here could be a starting point for both Gypsy and non-Gypsy who want to get over foreignness between eachother.
Starting of foreignness between Gypsy and non-Gypsy could be dated back to old times.
1) Natural Human Beings, who had subsisted on hunting and gathering in their homelands full of various resources for hunting and gathering, were forced to adapt Gypsy Ways of Subsistence when settled agriculturalist and nomadic herders captured natural resourses of them needed for hunting ang gathering. This is the reason why descendants of Natural Human Beings provide some services and prepared various goods for nomadic herders and settled agriculturalists in exchange of food. This is the birth of Gypsy Universal Nation as a social group or a global caste. Likewise non-Gypsy people who lose their resources for agriculture and herding with wars or natural disasters adapt Gypsy Way of Subsistence and joined to Gypsy Universal Nation.
2) Ethnicities belonging to Gypsy Universal Nation were hindered to make agriculture or stockbreeding in some cases defacto and in some other cases officialy. It's forbidden for Gypsy ethnicities to have land or herds officially in some places. And in some other places, monopolly of non-Gypsy people on resources needed for agriculture and stockbreeding have hindered Gypsy people to subsist on these activities.
3) Traditional jobs of Gypsy ethnicities have mostly been dissappeared after industrialization. Than Gypsy people started to work in jobs unpreferable by others and unhealthy. The most important reason of the situation is that Gypsy people had no capital except their specialization on crafts and services on contrary to non-Gypsy people who had some herds and lands in their rural settlements to capitalize for entegrating cities. On the other hand, prejudices non-Gypsy people have about Gypsies make almost impossible to work in various sectors in various positions for Gypsy individuals.
When unpreferable and unhealthy jobs with low income Gypsy people were obliged to do start to let Gypsy make more money or started to be less unhealthy in conjuction with technological improvement, non-Gypsy start to work in these jobs. This creates a competition between Gypsy and non-Gypsy. Dominance of non-Gypsy individuals in any sector makes allmost impossible for Gypsy to work in the job. So Gypsy individual are obliged to work in unhealthy and unpreferable jobs with lw income. This cycle force Gypsy people to live under extrem poverty circumstances except a small minority.
4) Settling of Gypsy people in central places were hindered in both periods before industrialization and after industrialization. Suburban areas, where Gypsy people were allowed to settle in, have been central places in conjuction with growing of cities in time. However these settlements have been demolished and Gypsy people have been sent to suburban areas again.
These are the reasons of our common problems we face all over the world as individuals of ethnicities belonging to Gypsy Universal Nation as a social group or global caste. We are the victims of these 4 injustices. If there is a foreignness between us and non-Gypsy people, main reason of these situation is sufferings and victimhoods we lived in conjuction with the 4 injustices. The foreignness won't dissappear until our victimhood is compensated.
Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle Asia, Africa, India, Southeastern Asia... Ethnicities belonging to Gypsy Universal Nation continue to suffer in a similar way world wide. Pavee, Yeniche, Sinti and Quinquis of Western Europe; Roma and Rudaris of Eastern Europe; Mugats, Abdals, Loms and Tavaktarosh of Anatolia and Middle Asia; Yibirs, Tumals, Batwas and Neenos of Africa; Doms, Helebis, Kawliya and Sulubba of Middle Asia; Doms, Chamars, Mahars, Saperas and Banjaras of India... Problems of all these peoples are arised from same historical process.
There are only 5 day for the new year; 11th year of 3th millennium! Human civilization improved clearly... However a problem started thousands of years ago, a meanless division between humanity could survived until today. People are suffering... They live in extreme poverty conditions. They are not able to reach education.
Surely, this is a global problem. Solution of this global problem in a humanitarian way will be best sign of matureness of human civilization.
Ethnicities belonging to Gypsy Universal Nation created their culture in thousands of years. They saved their cultures under difficult circumstances. None of Gypsy ethnicities will be familiar with the idea assimilating cultures of Gypsy ethnicities. We advise the ones, who want to assimilate our peoples, to have a closer look at existence and saving history of Gypsy cultures. Than they have to ask themselves is it possible to assimilate a Gypsy ethnicity? On the other hand, the others who support the idea to entegrate Gypsy ethnicities, have to ask themselves some questions too.
We tried to explain the reasons of foreignness between Gypsy and non-Gypsy people in last 6 weeks. We summarized these explanations above as 4 article. All of these articles show injustices targeting our peoples in history. Some of them existed before industrialization. Some others still continue to be lived these days. Gypsies, as the victims of these injustices, are alienated to non-Gypsy societies they live together. The ones who support the idea to entegrate Gypsy ethnicities have to ask themselves that they are aware of these injustices or not? They have to try getting to the root of the problem.
We, as individuals of ethnicities belonging to Gypsy Universal Nation, demand only equality, nothing else. We demand our 4 victimhoods we live in conjuction with 4 big injustices explained above to be compensated. If dicrimination targeting our people is gived up based on 4 big injustices of history, entegration will be a reality in a few generation. Our artists, our academicians and our politician prove with their existence that Gypsy could be entegrated to the societies they live together under suitable circumstances. They were succesfull using holes on the wall which builded to seperate us from the rest of the society. If the wall is destroyed, the division and foreignness between Gypsy and non-Gypsy will be disappeared. The question is that do they really want to destroy the wall?
II wish you a new year full of happiness.
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