12 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

To Remember 05/09/2010

We have a new author now. Our friend from Samsun, Mr. Baskici; is writing his memories for us. He is son of a family migrated from Greece to Turkey at 1920's with the Turkish-Grece Population Exchange. He have diffulties for all his life. His memories are also bearing wittnes to the pain and the desire to live of our brothers and sisters. As we read his memories, we feel sorry that we don't have written memories of most of our ancestors. And we also know that losing memories of them also means losing of our recent history. Memories are being lost with losing of traditions and oral culture which let generations to take their memories to next generations. Possibly, This is the reason of why young Gypsies are being scattered around with all winds just like a sappling without any root.


We are Gypsy. We are the children of commercial nomads. As Roma, Abdals, Loms, Doms, Bosha, Mitrip... Our ancestors travelled around many regions of the world. They reached many regions of the world with their handicrafts. They took news and helpfull crafts to many far villages no one else can go. They took something from places where they go. They integrated these cultural elements with the culture they had already have. Resultant is our culture with its all liveliness. It's our folk songs, requiems and belly dance music. It's our epics, sayings. It's our languages showing all liveliness of humanity.

Yes, It's. We take the traces of Indian civilization over region of Persian to Byzantium with one of our languages, Romanes. Pup air of Middle Asia's steps is expired in Anatolian savanna with one of our language, Abdoltili. Cultural substance of Caucasia happens visible between Anatolian people with one of our Languages, Lomavren. One of our languages, Domane; integrates lost Gypsy languages (Lugha-Banu Sassan) of Middle East with the Gypsy languages came from India to Middle East with big migrations. Yes, our culture is such a liveliness.

Many of our brothers and sisters don't know that they are descendance of this ancient culture. No problem. The Gypsy can know with its heart even it doesn't know on its mind. The Gypsy know it and keep the proud of being a part of the peaceful craft civilization of humanity at the cost of poverty and discrimination. This proud is the fire we see on our children's eyes. This fire prostrates all kind of sham and cant. It's the nightmare of the demons with beautifull faces. It's hope of the ones ingenuous. It's a brave, plump and clean fire which burns only remorseless ones.


We are Gypsy. That's pitty that our culture existed in thousand of years is about to lose its best elements. The Industry stole our traditional crafts from us. We are obliged to live in suburbs of cities in poverty. By the way, we have started to forget our languages, sayings, tales. The old ones stopped to tell our tales younger generations. The old ones stopped to tell their memories younger generations. New generations started to learn their history from foreign ones. They started to see themselves with others eyes. They started to despise themselves with the discourse of Gadjo. They started to refuse beauty they have, they started to refuse being Gypsy.

There are big pains in our history. There are Porrajmos, There are discrimination and proscriptions all over the world in our history. Our poverty we have started to live after losing our traditional jobs is not understandable for people do not share it. Our olders stopped speaking beause it's too diffucult to remember these memories. To remember these memories feeling incurability again is too diffucult for our people. And sometimes, people prefer to forget everything. To forget. To forget and to continue life as nothing happens!


We must remember! Yes happenings are a big shame on humanity. Yes it's too difficult to face our pains. But if we don't, everything will get worse. We have to remember. We have to remember and entegrate these memories to our collective memory as a part of our culture. If we open the door of collective memory of Gypsy peoples, our culture will be visible with its all substance. This will also be an adding to the Humanity.


We will resume the job we start with the memories of Mr. Baskici. All Gypsies want to share their memories or cultural elements from all Gypsy groups could send these us to be published on our web page.

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