We have names in all lands. In this land, we are known as Çingene!
We, descendants of peripatetic ancestors, have hundreds of names. Some of them are the names given by our ancestors themselves to identify their peoples or their tribes pointing at their job, origin or language. The name of Roma people left its mark on Balkan Geography or the name of Pavee people, ancient tinkers of Ireland, are the examples of these kind of names of peripatetic peoples.
There are also some names given by peripatetic peoples to the tribes living as a part of them. Lovara, Calderash, Xorahay or Laxo are the examples of the names given by the Roma tribes living in various geographies to themselves. Similarly, Abdal people having a middle eastern origin branches to tribes. The names given by themselves to Abdal tribes generally point at traditional way of subsistence. Fakçıs, Tencili, Beydili, Kara Duman are the best known tribes of Abdal people.
Non-peripatetics, with the name given by Roma Gypsies to non-peripatetics, Gadjos; have given some names to peripatetic peoples. These names don't point at detailed specialities of peripatetic peoples. Gadjos give some names to peripatetic peoples with in different ways. If the group would be named have different physical appearance comparing to Gadjos, Gadjos give names to peripatetics pointing at a real or imagined origin of the peripatetics.
The name Kıpti having a big currency around Anatolia and Europe is created in a similar way. Kıpti (Kopt) is indeed the name of indigenous people of Egypt. The name Kıpti should be given to a peripatetic society having different physical appearance with the thought that the peripatetic group is egiptian. Meaning of the word Kıpti wided in time including all peripatetic peoples. The word Agupti and the Gypsy should be related to the word Kıpti.
Gadjos give names to peripatetic peoples having a similar pysical apperance to them pointing at their jobs. Peripatetics living in the southeastern side of Turkey are named as Mıtrip meaning musician by the Gadjos living there. Even its origin is still indefinite, the word Çingene, a generic name for peripatetics in Anatolia and Europe also points at traditional jobs of peripatetics according to the two main theory explaining origin of the word.
There are some important differences with names given by gadjo and names given by peripatetic peoples themselves. Names given by Peripatetics themselves are used to differ from other peripatetic peoples. The words like Abdal, Lom, Dom, Yenich and Rom show specialities of each peripatetic peoples. On the contrary, names given by Gadjo are more inclusive as they point at commonalities of peripatetic peoples.
The names given by Gadjos to the peripapetic peoples having similar pysical appearance with Gadjo point at the job and lifestyle of peripatetics peoples and so they bring commonalities between peripatetic peoples to forefront. The names given by Gadjos to the peripatetic peoples having different pysical appearance generally point at origin of the peripatetic peoples and so these names define a distinct peripatetic group. However, the word spreas in time. Gadjos forget the reason of their using the word to name peripatetics. So the word starts to be used to define all kind of peripatetic peoples.
I offered a new claim in my book, "The Book of Gypsies". We believe that there have been two civilizations for a long time. On the one hand, there is a well known civilization explained in school books. Addings of this civilization created by the descendants of nomadic herderers and settled agriculturalists to human history is known by everbody. On the other hand, there is an other civilization created by peripatetic peoples. Production of this civilization isn't known as the others. Names of the founders of the civilization are never mentioned. There isn't still a real history of them. However, It's certain that civilization of peripatetic peoples is more peacefull than the other one.
I named both the civilizations as Universal Nation in "The Book of Gypsies". On the one hand, there is Gadjo Universal Nation existing from Gadjo peoples. On the other hand, there is Gypsy Universal Nation existing from Gypsy peoples. Both the civilizations have some addings to eachother and humanity. The most important adding of Gypsy and Gadjo Universal Nation to eachother is to name eachother.
Gadjo peoples just like Gypsy people don't use names including all Gadjo peoples and they prefer to use names differing themselves from eachother. Gadjo people names like Germen, Frank, Norman, Etruscan are not able to identify Gadjo Universal Nation. On the contrary, names given by Gypsy peoples to Gadjo peoples include all Gadjo peoples. Peripapetic peoples define Gadjo Universal Nation giving names to Gadjo just like Geben or Şivan given by Abdal Gypsy, Gadjo given by Roma Gypsy, Muul or Gece given by Lom Gypsy.
There is same situation for the names given by Gadjo to the Gypsy peoples. The names including all Gypsy Universal Nation are the ones given by Gadjo peoples.
We evaluated our names this week to give our audiences a piece of good news. We have started to work for a new book. There will be many thing in the book about history and current life of Gypsy peoples and tribes of Turkey. But spreading of the terms like universal nation, Gypsy people or Gypsy tribe is obligatory for being understood of the book. It's not possible to see cultural richness we will offer in the book without understanding of existence of Gypsy Universal Nation from Gypsy peoples and existence of Gypsy peoples from Gypsy tribes.
Have a nice week.
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