The deathfull virus called anti-ziganism is spreading to different regions of The Europe day by day. The sickness got a higher currency at 1990's in Balkans is slowly moving towards to Western Europe today. As people who think us as a threat to their lifestyle and social structures get a higher population, government policies come to power with votes of them is starting to change towards racism. Getting more and more violent toward Gypsy communities of Policies of Italy and France governments is resulted from these situation. And on the other side there is professional terror organizations working well planned insteaf of individual and spontaneous racist activities we saw at 1990's in Balkans.
The problem is so clear for us. Anti-ziganism we see on different regions is getting more popular with similar discourse. But anti-ziganisms we see on different region is resulted from different reasons. Reasons of reaction toward us in Western Europe and reasons of racist terror targeting our people in Balkans are diffferent from eachother. We want to show this difference and declare our solulitions to these problems in this article.
So many social changes have been existed in Balkans since 1990's. Pains resulted from the process to transformation to liberal economy created deep traumas between Balkan people after collapsing of East Block. Massive unemployment getting currency quickly and general economic problems make cultural differences, which didn't stand out too much before transformation, acceptable reasons to fight for Balkan peoples. Deep ethnic conflicts have been existed as we saw in the example of Kosova and Yugoslavia. People from different ethnic origins blamed eachother for the responsibility of the pain resulted from ethnic conflicts. Bloody fightings could only be stopped with operations of international peace forces. On the other hand, it's not possible to say hatred between different ethnic groups has been unexisted.
Gypsies have been target of the other ethnic groups in this period. Hostilities coming from past wake up. Gypsy neighboorhoods were busted in Balkans. People with high numbers plundered neighboorhoods, burned Gypsy houses. Some of our people lost their lifes. Issues which shown as reasons to this happenings were generally unimportant things. It wasn't possible they cause even child fight before... But in the chaos athmosphere where people were able to blame eachother for everything, they have caused terrible massacres...
This situation let racist groups to exist and to get power. They were organized as gunned terror groups in 2000s so terror attacks ravaging Balkans have been started. These terror organizations who were getting power sometimes with the power of local authorities started to follow a strategy to terrorise Gypsy communities.
They wrote slogans on walls telling "Gypsies to India". Racist groups try to show Roma Gypsies who have lived in Europe at least for 1 thousand years as exotic others coming from out side of European civilization. Strategies just like Indianization or taking Indian names followed by some Roma entellectuals make racists' job easier to show Roma Gypsies as others. However as the language of Roma Gypsies, Romanes, isn't being spoken in any region of India, Romanes is a European language in conjunction with places where its speakers live. It also got its latest form and have started be spoken as naative language in The Europe. If we can examine Roma culture carefully, it could also been easily similarites between the culture of Roma Gypsies and Balkan peoples. It's so understandable why racist don't like this reality.
The strategy racist terror follow in Balkans is to make Roma Gypsies afraid and alianete from European culture. And also they are trying to alianete Balkan peoples from Gypsies and deny to the reality that Roma Gypsies are one of the native peoples of the Europe. We don't know yet what are there at the final period of this racist strategy. But it's clear that racists are worried of raising population of Roma Gypsies and more young Roma getting better jobs to have a better position in society. Racist terror organizations are trying to stop this process and if they can, they will try to place Roma Gypsies in a small area in Balkan geography or anywhere else.
Reasons of raising anti-ziganism in Western Europe is comletely different from the same situation in Balkans. Freedom of movement for citizens of Balkan countries come up with joining of Balkan countires to The European Union. Unemployment people from Balkan countries started to go Western Europe. Most of these people were Roma Gypsies who are the most crowded unemployment community of Balkan peoples.
Raising anti-ziganism in western europe is naturally targeting these new immigrant firstly. Why? First of all, all immigrants going to an other country with big populations always create reaction. Roma Gypsies, as peripatetics or commercial nomads, were travelling around different regions of the Europe. But these migrations were existing with some rules. Gypsy communities who were well organized were gaining permission from local authorities. Though they were taking reaction from native people. Today, Roma Gypsies mostly lost social organization which let them to migrate in a strong discipline and support them from the reactions of native people. Today small families are individually migrating to western Europe and generally they are being captured by crime organizations in conjuction with not being able to be employed in formel economy.
There are some other current or old peripatetic communities classified as Gypsy by Gadjo communities. Some Roma Gypsies from Balkan countries came to Europe and have been Western European Gypsies entegrating to native culture. Sinti or Roma Gypsies speaking Romanichal could be shown as an example of this situation. There are some other Gypsy groups (peripatetic old or current) living in Western Europe. There are Yenich in German and France, Karner in Austria, Pavee in Ireland, Quinquis in Spain. They have an old history in Western Europe and They are surely native peoples of western Europe just like Roma Gypsies is one of native peoples of Balkans. Native peripatetics of Western Europe have a better position in society comparing to Roma Gypsies came to Western Europe recently.
Main reason of raising anti-ziganism is that Roma Gypsies recently came to Western Europe could not be employed in formal economy in conjuction with economic crisis. There is not enough job not only from immigrants but also native citizens. Consequantly, Roma gysies are taking more and more reaction under these conditions. Joining of unemployment immigrants to crime organizations make this process stronger.
Anti-ziganism is raising resulted from different reasons in Balkans and Western Europe. Under these circumstances, we have some solutions to stop racist terror to reach its goals and get situations better.
1-Roma Gypsies are being showed as a primitif group not owning to Balkan geography by the racist organizations. Their only evidence for this argument is the theory submitting that the oldest ancestors of Roma Gypsies came from India. Some Roma intellectuals are inclined to accept Roma Gypsies as Indian Diaspora instead of one of the native Balkan peoples. This behaviour play into racists' hands.It shouldn't be forgotten that ancestors of all peoples living in Europe came from somewhere to Europe. Altough nobody elses ancestors' origins are examined, origin of Roma Gypsies' ancestors who came Europe at least 1000 years ago is important for some people to accept Roma Gypsies native or not! It should'nt be forgotten that Romanes is a European language. Because it existed in Europe and it is being spoken in Europe. There is no people speaking Romanes in India!
Roma gypsies should show their relation to European civilization as strong as possible against racist thesis. Although racist terror organizations attack our people with the bloodiest way, we shouldn't be close to any strategy defending the idea Roma Gypsies leave Balkans.
2-Raising anti-ziganism in Balkan is more than a social reaction today. It's being organized by the minds who are creating gunned terror organizations and being used with a racist strategy. Roma Gypsies in Balkans should create a contrary strategy against this racist strategy. Roma Gypsies should try to find true ways to make a hit with Balkan peoples as racists are trying to show us to Balkan peoples as the biggest threat toward Europe.
3-World Gypsies should be enformed about goals and strategy of Racist terror organizations. An international solidarity should be created between world Gypsies against racist terror.
4-Roma Gypsies should try to build their future in Balkan geography. Problems are big and deep. Migrating to Western Europe won't solve any problem but create new and bigger problems. It's a big threat for Roma Gypsies to be used as a tool by international crime organizations. We should create real sivil society organizations to organize our people in social discipline to stop the migration to Western Europe. If we don't, reactions will be existed will make racist terror more acceptable in the eyes of European people and give racist terror organizations social support.
5-Housing and unemployment problem of Roma Gypsies in Balkans should be solved with creative and flexible methods taking financial support of The European Union. Roma Gypsies who migrated to Western Europe recently as a resut of racist terror and economis reasons should be supported to turn their own countries.
6-Native Gypsy groups of Western Europe should be ready for raising of racism in their countries. There is a strong possibility of being targeted by racists in conjuction with economic crisis.
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