12 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

Why Gypsies Aren't Assimilated? (4) 12/12/2010

Question 2: "What so ever happened at the beginning, did tribes, which belong to Gypsy Universal Nation, ever try to do agriculture or animal breeding as livelihood in the later history. Was this try obstructed by Gadjo peoples somehow ?"

Our ancestors didn't prefer peripatetic way of subsistence, Gypsy Way of Subsistence willingly. If they have an other choice, they would prefer agriculture or herding just like Gadje ethnicities. On the contrary, they were forced to adapt Gyspy Way of Subsistence on account of the fact that their resources for agriculture and herding were defrauded from them. They have never had any land to do agriculture or herds for stockbreeding or they have lost their resources for these subsistence ways. Under these circumstances, our ancestors started to sell products of crafts like basketmaking, sieve-making, blacksmithing, musicianship, tinwork, tinsmithing, coppersmithing or provide services like dentistry, folk medicine, healing, hair-dressing to Gadje ethnicities in exchange of food.

I know that our explanations are not enough for some scholars who want to blame us for all kind of problems we face today. And i know that many of our brothers and sisters have a similar kind of questions in their mind after our explanations about our ancestors' adapting to Gypsy Way of Subsistence. Yes, they were forced to adapt to Gypsy Way of Subsistence. All very well but why they didn't look for alternative subsistence ways for thousands of years? Are they too lazy or not brave enough to push the limits?

Our ancestors were brave people. They used to go villages which they didn't know very well and try to sell their craft products to people whose language they don't completely know many times. Our ancestors were hard-working people. They were going outback places to work for bringing a piece of bread for their children even they were affronted many time in that places. They were travelling on a donkey and sometimes they were travelling on foot. This is the reason why English people classified Gypsy ethnicities as useful people before railroading. Gypsy people were only chance of them to reach out of the way places of India. However, ancestors of our brothers and sisters in India were classified as "criminal tribes" by them after railroading. Because they had no job with them anymore...

Even they were brave and hard-working people, why our ancestors didn't push the limits? Why they were contented with Gypsy Way of Subsistence and doesn't try to do agriculture and stockbreeding? This is not a true question. Our ancestor tried to adapt alternate subsistence ways at every opportunity. Agriculture, herding, hunting and gathering... Our ancestors try to do their best to get out of hole where ever and whenever they still have resources to adapt alternate ways of subsistence. Contrary to their efforts to change their subsistence ways, they were hurdled many times. They sometimes were hindered with unofficial ways. However, it was also forbidden for Gypsy ethnicities to have land and herds even officialy in some places.


It's possible to give many examples about Gypsy ethnicities to try to do agriculture and stockbreeding. However, they are generally exceptional cases. Nonethless, they prove us that our ancestors tried to adapt alternate ways of subsistence whenever they have any opportunity.

Some Gadje ethnicities specialise on herding only one animal specy related to geographical and climatic circumstances. Because herding of other species is not productive enough in conjuction with geographical and climatic circumstances in the place where the gadje ethnicity live in. Bedouin Gadjes in Arabia geography have camel herds. They dominate oasis and water resources of the desert. The biggest and the most healty camel herds owned to Bedouin Gadjes. This situation gives a chance Hutaym Gypsies, who are one of the ancient Gypsy groups of Arabia, to do stockbreeding. Hutaym people have sheep, goat and weak camel herds on account of the fact that Bedouin Gadjes specialise on herding of only healthy camels. However, Hutaym could graze their animals only in marginal areas of the desert. Because centrel oasis and water resources of the desert are under the control of Bedouin Gadjes.

Gypsy ethnicities try to do agriculture whenever possible. Şadoğlu family left their lands in Tokat city of Turkey after the big eartquake at 1939. They sold their lands under price to Geygel blacksmiths who are peripatetic blacksmiths with turanid origin. From that time, Geygels have done agriculture in the place. It's possible to see many examples of the situation of Gypsy ethnicities to do agriculture in the lands where Gadje ethnicities leave with disvaluation, becoming non-vertile of lands or natural disasters in Anatolia.

Decline of Ottoman Empire caused a great population of Gadje ethnicities to leave their lands and migrate to other places in 19th and 20th centuries. Gypsy ethnicities settled to the areas and have started to do agriculture. This explanation is especially true for some people with peripatetic sieve-maker ancestry in North-eastern Anatolia.

Our ancestors tried to find alternate ways of subsistence whenever possible. There are many examples of this situation worldwide. However, this effort have always been a difficult job. First of all, natural resourses needed to do agriculture and stockbreeding are generally shared out amongst Gadje ethnicities. Gadje societies have the most fertile agricultural lands and herds in any geography and in any time. Moreover, Gadje societies fight eachother for these resources.

Our ancestors were peaceful people. They were not a part of these wars outbreaking with aim of resource sharing on account of the fact that our ancestors had lower population comparing to Gadje societies and had a peaceful culture. So our ancestors were only able to use resources ,which Gadje didn't use any more with various reasons, to do agriculture and stockbreeding. This situation makes harder for our ancestors to adapt new ways of subsistence. After all, we have to emphasize that Gypsy ethnicities doing agriculture and stockbreeding had always been been a small minority in conjuction with reasons we explained above.


It's forbidden for Gypsy ethnicities to do agriculture and stockbreeding and to have ownership of resources needed for these activities in some places even today. This prohibition makes almost impossible for our people to adapt new way of subsistence.

It's forbidden for Gypsy groups to have land or herds in Somali which is a tribal democracy governing by herder Gadje tribes. Moreover, Gypsies are also forbidden to deal with politics. Many Gypsy ethnicities living in the country are obligated to do their traditional jobs to survive. Wolof Gadjes living in Sahel region of Africa forbid Neeno Gypsies to have any land to do agriculture. Neeno Gypsies could not join any political or military activity according to Wolof law. However, it is so strange that even military and house slaves have the right to have lands in Wolof society. Many Gypsy groups in Africa face this kind of prohibitions which makes impossible to get out of hole.

It's also possible to see similar kind of prohibitions in history. It was forbidden for Gypsies to have horses in medieval Anatolia. Reason of the prohibition was claimed to be banditry of Gypsies with horses. However, there were also some Gadje societies, whose main subsistence way was herding, engaging in banditry with their horses. In fact, they had a kind of tribal law determining ways of sharing "war" booty. They were also using speed advantage of horse for banditry. However, we have no proof to say they were also forbidden to have horses like Gypsy ethnicities. Gypsy groups were also not allowed to join army as martials. But they were a part of support services in armies of medieval Anatolia.

One of the most salient examples of forbidding of Gypsy groups to adapt new ways of subsistence is caste system in India and South Asia. All castes have their own occupations according to caste system. Jobs, which could be classified in the context of Gypsy Way of Subsistence, are duty of lower castes and dalit societies who are believed to be outcaste in caste system. An individual could not change its caste according to caste system. You have to wait for being reborn as a member of an other caste to throw off from the obligations of being of a caste member. In this respect, caste system made almost impossible our ancestors to adapt new ways of subsistence.


Everything is such clear. The main reason of our contemporary problem is our being forced to subsist from the hardest way. Even our ancestors tried to do everything possible to get out of hole, they were hindered either officially an unofficially worldwide. Our ancestors are victims of a terrible pressure and they have legated this victimhood to us. It won't be slobbery under these circumstances to claim Gypsies are one of the most suffered victims of the history.

There is something that people, who are asking why Gyspsies are not able to entegrate to society in front of the publicity and who are asking why they are not able to assimilate us behind closed doors, have to understand. They have to understand that differences and foreignness between Gypsy ethnicities and Gadje ethnicities is not related to our choice. There have been a deep foreignness between Gypsy Universal Nation and Gadje Universal Nation, who are full brothers and sisters in the fact, as a result of the victimhood have continued for thousands of years. Unexisting of these deep foreignness and diffferences is not possible in a split second.

I I have tried to explain economical reasons causing inequality between Gadje and Gypsy ethnicities before industrialization until now. Next week, we will evaluate the event have existed after industrialization. We will ask for the reasons why inequality and foreignness between Gadje and Gypsy ethnicities have not dissappeared even many traditional jobs don't exist anymore afer industrializatin. We advise our readers, who wonder how Gypsy Way of Subsistence could survive itself after industrialization under new circumstances, our next article.


Have a nice week.

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